Demo Workshop Purview Experience: Data Security in Action

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Demo Workshop Purview Experience

/Data Security in action

"The Purview Experience offers a unique and gamified learning experience that makes data security tangible and understandable"

Every organization faces it: sensitive and/or confidential information that needs to be protected. But how? And what impact do security measures have on your employees? And what risks does AI pose to the security of your data in the workplace?

Recognizable issues? You are not alone. Many organizations face the same challenge. They want to secure their data effectively but don’t know what that looks like. This is where the Purview Experience workshop comes in.

The Purview Experience is an interactive, hands-on workshop specifically designed to help organizations take their first steps in data security. During the workshop, you will discover how Microsoft Purview can help your organization keep data safe and prevent unwanted data leaks. You will gain practical insights, work in a realistic demo environment, and directly experience the impact of security measures on the user experience.

Why the Purview Experience?

Many organizations have no experience with data security and don’t know where to start. The Purview Experience helps you understand how to:
  • Secure data: Learn how to classify, label, and protect data against unwanted data leaks.
  • Understand Impact: Experience in a realistic demo environment how security measures affect the user experience and how technology supports employees in protecting sensitive information.
  • Integrated Security :iscover how AI and data security go hand in hand as labels are inherited when Copilot extracts information from a labeled document.

What to expect?

During the Purview Experience workshop, you will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with Microsoft Purview in a realistic demo environment. You will not only learn the theory but also directly experience how the solution works in practice.
  • Practical insights: Gain hands-on experience with data classification and labeling.
  • Real-life experience: Work in a demo environment that simulates daily practice.
  • Direct impact: Understand how Microsoft Purview not only adds technology but also increases awareness and control over data.

Maak het plaatje compleet met de sensitive data scan

Om een compleet beeld te krijgen van risico’s in jullie data, raden we aan om voorafgaand aan de Purview Experience een “sensitive data scan” uit te laten voeren. Deze scan geeft inzicht in de huidige stand van zaken rondom gevoelige informatie in jullie M365-omgeving en hoe deze zich door de organisatie en daarbuiten beweegt. Door de combinatie van de scan en de Purview Experience krijgen jullie niet alleen een hands-on workshop, maar ook inzicht in jullie data en kennis over hoe deze effectief te beveiligen. Meer weten? Neem contact op met Accountmanager Julia of CEO Roderick.

Gain even more insights by complementing the Purview Experience with the sensitive data scan.

To get a complete overview of the risks in your data, we recommend conducting a “sensitive data scan” before the Purview Experience. This scan provides insights into the current state of sensitive information in your M365 environment and how it moves through and outside the organization. By combining the scan with the Purview Experience, you will not only get a hands-on workshop but also gain insights into your data and knowledge on how to effectively secure it. Want to know more? Contact Account Manager Julia or CEO Roderick.

What about AI & Data Security?

Data security is important when you start using AI. In the modern digital world, data is one of the most valuable assets of an organization. When you also implement AI solutions like Copilot, it becomes even more crucial to secure your data properly.

Protection of sensitive information

AI systems often process large amounts of data, including sensitive and confidential information. It is important to ensure that this data is protected against unauthorized access and data leaks.

User trust

Users need to trust that their data is safe when using AI solutions. A solid data security strategy helps your users perform daily tasks safely.

Optimization of AI Performance

Well-secured data ensures that AI systems can perform optimally. Unsecured, corrupted, or outdated data can lead to inaccurate results and inefficient processes.

By participating in the Purview Experience workshop, you will learn how to effectively secure your data and safely implement AI solutions. This not only helps you leverage the benefits of AI but also minimizes risks and protects your organization.

Are you ready for the Purview Experience?

Join the Purview Experience and take the first step towards a secure and future-proof data security strategy. Discover how Microsoft Purview can help your organization keep data safe and prevent unwanted data leaks. Contact Account Manager Julia Julia or CEO Roderick to discuss what the Purview Experience entails and schedule your workshop directly.
Julia Marijnen - Accountmanager Cloud Life
Julia Marijnen - Accountmanager Cloud Life
Roderick Claassen - Founder & CEO Cloud Life
Roderick Claassen - Founder & CEO Cloud Life

About the Purview Experience

Step into the fictional organization “de Vogelaar,” where you are welcomed by Arend the Security Expert. Arend takes you on a tour of the M365 environment. Here, you will discover that sensitive data is present everywhere, from emails to internal documents.

Participants of the Purview Experience take on the role of an employee and, through interactive exercises, learn how to assign sensitivity labels and how Data Loss Prevention (DLP) works. Exciting scenarios, such as attempting to leak a confidential document, highlight the importance of good security measures.

The Purview Experience offers a unique and gamified learning experience that makes data security tangible and understandable.

Arend Zwart van de Purview Experience

Facts at a glance

  • Increasing threats: In 2023, there was a 72% increase in the number of data breaches compared to the previous year (World Economic Forum, 2024).
  • Internal risks: 26% of all data breaches are caused by insiders, people within the organization (Forrester, 2023).
  • Sensitive data: Many organizations do not know where their sensitive data is located, which increases the risk of data breaches. More than 30% of decision-makers have no visibility into their critical business data.
Cloud Life | Expert in Cybersecurity en Data beveiliging

At Cloud Life, we are not satisfied with the status quo. We strive for excellence, and our mission is to take your company's security to the next level.

We don’t just make your Modern Workplace secure. We ensure your safety.